"I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, I know what it is to be alone and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in poverty." Philippians 4:11-12
In one very important sense, it is true that we make our own world. The sunshine we see about us daily is in ourselves. It shines out from within us. We are not to go about demanding that others shine on us, on our field, and on our home. We are not to blame other people when we are peevish, fretful, discontented, or touchy.
It is usually our own fault that we are not happy. Even if people do not treat us as they should do, if they are unjust to us, unkind, rude, selfish, exacting that will not make it either right or beautiful for us to grow unhappy, or to go about sour and sad. We should never allow anybody, any circumstances, or anything that happens to spoil our life. We ought to resolve to keep sweet, whatever the circumstances may be.
That is what being a Christian means. That is what it is to lift up our eyes unto the hills. *If we are looking to God, we cannot do vulgar things, we cannot lie, we cannot be selfish, grasping, or greedy, whatever the provocation may be.* If we truly lift up our eyes unto God, we will get something of God's beauty into our soul, will become imbued with God's holiness, God's truth, God's love, and get grace enough to enable us to live the Christlike life.
*What Should I Know/Do?*
The mountains are places of strength. They cannot be moved. They are stable and sure. They are places of safety. They are away above the floods and dangers of earth (They that trust in the Lord are like mount Zion that cannot be moved but abides forever). The higher our life rises, the safer it is. The power of temptation grows less and less as we go up nearer to Christ. Our faults, infirmities, and vices lose their power over us as we rise up into the mountain air they will choke and die there!
It is said that telescopes have detected birds flying six miles above the earth. How safe they are up there! No arrow can reach them. No enemy can find them. The same is true of the soul that flies far above no trapper can catch it, no tempter can reach it. The mountains are places of safety.
The mountains are places of peace. There is a point in the heavens, above the clouds, where no storm ever blows, where no tempest ever breaks. If we rise into these calm, holy heights we shall find peace.
This dew from the sacred mountain represents the love of Christ which comes down perpetually from heaven, which not only nourishes the lives of men but also heals all diseases.
*Lifting Prayers*
Dear Lord, I thank you for this day, I am most grateful. I bless your holy name for you are my all in all. Your kingdom is from everlasting and your faithfulness is forever sure! Teach my soul to rise to you, teach my head to think of you, teach my heart to meditate on your world and teach my Spirit to search constantly for eternity. May I not be the least in your kingdom! Give me grace to constantly apply your pure words to the contents of my character, in my daily approach to life, to Loving, care, forgiveness and mercy. May my soul constantly look up to You, may all around me always look up to you. Lord, my power bank, my help, my strength and my all. May I be Engrafted in You all the way and time. I Look unto the Hills, I Look unto you Jesus. Bless everyone around me, and heal the dying world. Amen!
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