Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Beauty For Ashes

The Hebrew word for ashes is epher and the Hebrew word for beauty is pheer. Just move the e and you have a new word. And just as quickly as it takes for you to move one letter God is going to turn your sorrow into joy. He speaks and it is already done.

Whatever your situation is, whether it seems there is no solution in sight for your problems, or you are sick and down trodden, or you don’t even have any affliction, but you just desire a better life, no matter what your state is, God is still in the business of making things better. So whether you are afflicted or not, God is saying to you He will give you beauty for ashes. God is working to create a miracle out of your afflictions, He is working in your storm to produce peace, and is working in your ashes to give you beauty.

He desires the best for you, and therefore invests His best in you. As parents go to any length to ensure the best for their children, so that they can be proud of them when they grow up how much more God, He also wants to show you off to the world and tell the world He is proud of you. So no matter what you are going through right now, look to the end, it will reveal the glory of God. No matter how dark the night is, the dawning of a new day shall be glorious. When something is burnt into ashes, it seems there is no hope for it anymore, but God who specializes in impossibilities will surely turn that hopelessness into a thing of beauty. So don’t look down on yourself, don’t be discouraged, for that is exactly what the devil wants you to believe. If you give up, God is not going to be glorified, and Jesus won’t be able to fulfill His ministry in your life.

In Psalms 50:2, Zion is called the perfection of beauty, and Zion is symbolic of the church, which is you and I. Psalms 76:2 says Zion is the dwelling place of God. Joel 3:17 also says Zion is where God dwells. Jesus died for the world (sinners), but He lives for the Church. He has already died once and for all to save sinners but the reason He’s alive is because of you and I, so that the Church can be beautified. Hebrews 7:25, Jesus is praying for you right now.

Exodus 15:22-27 Bitter waters made sweet From this story we learn about a young nation that has just been freed from bondage, for 430 years they had been under slavery in the land of Egypt. They were under the oppression of their task masters, the Egyptians, who treated them cruelly. And the Bible says God delivered them with a strong and mighty hand. After they left Egypt, God had parted the Red sea and they had walked safely on dry ground, while the Egyptians pursuing them had perished in the same sea. Afterwards, they broke out in songs led by Mariam and Moses, singing about God’s mighty deliverance from their enemies. This story illustrates the life of a believer that has just been delivered from bondage, who has enjoyed the grace of God and outstanding victories.

*What Should I Know/Do?*

The Bible says that he will give us beauty for ashes. In Bible times it was the custom for the people of that day to in great times of mourning and difficulty lay in ashes. Just think about that. You’ve got a problem in your life and you just sit down in a pile of ashes. There is nothing beautiful about ashes.

But the scripture says he is going to take your difficult, disgusting, depressing and horrible situation and give you beauty. He is going to pick you up out of the ash pile of life and make something beautiful out of you.

You may feel like your life is ugly and insignificant right now. But sometimes things that appear ugly just need the right climate to grow. There is a species of century plant called the “Maguey”. It grows for years with great course leaves as thick as two hands put together. It’s three inches thick and very long. It puts out sharp thorns and it’s just as ugly as can be. The longer it’s alive and the more it grows, it just gets uglier all the time. But suddenly it shoots up in just a couple of days and a great shaft tall and thick begins to grow. It decks it’s spreading head with thousands of flowers and becomes a beautiful plant.

The possibility of all that fragrant beauty was always in that detestable ugliness. Just as the fragrant beauty of your life is sometimes hidden underneath the calloused ritual. It is smothered by daily schedules and monotonous grind. Sometimes painful experiences cause beauty to come forth.

*Lifting Prayers*

Heavenly Father, in a mighty dimension, release the fire of the Holy Spirit on my life. Set my spiritual life; my prayer life, bible study, faith and ministry on fire that there will be no room for spiritual ashes in my life. Make me a flame of fire for you not someone who is spiritually dry and weak. Let my spiritual life be alive with your fire not dead with ashes. Lord, baptize me afresh with the Holy Spirit. Fill me with the fire of the Holy Spirit so I am untouchable to any evil fire, dart or arrow. I stand against every evil conspiracy and oath that has been taken to cut short my life or the lives of my family members. I declare that I shall live and not die. My family members will not mourn over me this year, I will not mourn over any family member. O Lord, give me beauty for ashes. Turn my mourning to dancing. I refuse to wear garments of mourning, sadness and sorrow. Father, this year and beyond, let my life be full of celebrations, thanksgiving and rejoicing In Jesus Mighty Name. Amen!

Do have a victorious Wednesday
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*Pls Rebroadcast*

Further Scriptural Reading: Psalm 30:11, Heb 1:7, Jeremiah 30:19, Dan 3:26-27, Psalm 105:15.

Thursday, 9 March 2017

Overcoming Discouragement

When we feel like giving up, we are vulnerable to a whole range of temptations. When we give in to those temptations, our sin just confirms our discouragement, and we easily slip into a cycle in which fear drives us into hiding, hiding opens us to sins of selfishness and self-indulgence, and caving in increases our sense of helplessness and self-pity. So we sit, weighed down by fear and condemnation, feeling stuck.

But God doesn’t want us feeling stuck. Jesus didn’t endure crucifixion so we would live defeated. He has purchased our forgiveness of sins, our freedom from the weight of fear, and our power to overcome the world, our flesh, and the devil. Discouragement is not as powerful as it feels. We can defeat it if we confront it.

A famous biblical example of discouragement is when the twelve spies returned after scoping out the Promised Land. They reported the land indeed “[flowed] with milk and honey,” but the inhabitants were “strong,” some were giants, and the cities “fortified and very large” (Numbers 13:27–28). Ten of the twelve spies said, “We are not able to go up against the people, for they are stronger than we are” (Numbers 13:31). This so discouraged the people that they refused to trust in God’s promises and power. As a result, they wandered in the wilderness forty more years. Only Joshua and Caleb, the two faithful spies, lived to see those fears defeated.

Another famous example was the discouragement Saul and his army felt over Goliath’s challenges and taunts (1 Samuel 17). Fear immobilized all the warriors until a teenage shepherd named David arrived with faith in a huge God. He stood up to the giant, and dropped Goliath face down with one stone (1 Samuel 17:49). Then suddenly full of courage, Israel decimated the Philistines.

A New Testament example is found in Acts 4, after the same council that had facilitated Jesus’s death threatened Peter, John, and the rest of the Christians. When the apostles reported these threats, everyone felt the seriousness. But the church responded very differently than the ancient Israelites or Saul’s army. When tempted with discouragement, instead of being immobilized by fear, they responded with faith, asked God for help, and as a result “were all filled with the Holy Spirit and continued to speak the word of God with boldness” (Acts 4:31).

What Should I Know/Do?

Satan loves to tempt us with discouragement because he knows we are easily intimidated by what is or looks dangerous and overwhelming. He casts God as the bad guy for bringing us to this hopeless place, and then encourages us to feel justified in feeling discouraged. The way out of this demonic deception is to confront the discouragement head on. How do we do this?

When we’re discouraged, remember the Canaanites, remember Goliath, remember the council, and remember your own stories when God showed up to deliver you from discouragement. What discourages us is not as powerful as it feels in the moment. We overcome our fear by confronting our discouragement and exercising faith in God’s promises. Those are precious moments in which we will see the power of God.

Lifting Prayers

Dear Righteous Father Holy and True, I will not forget Your benefits as daily You help bear my burdens. Though I’m facing seemingly endless difficulties, I will not throw in the towel. I will set my eyes upon the hills and look forward with confidence of the future You have prepared for me; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, in Oneness and power, now and forever. Amen.

Further Scriptural Reading:
Psalm 42:5, Heb12:12-14, 1peter 4:11,
1 Tim 6:12, Romans 1:5

Wednesday, 8 March 2017

The Mouth Of The Righteous is a Fountain and not a factory.

Compare Proverbs 10:6. Streams of living water (like the "fountain of living waters" of Jeremiah 2:13; Jeremiah 17:13, and the "living water" of John 4:10), flow from the mouth of the righteous, but that of the wicked is "covered," i. e., stopped and put to silence by their own violence. Now the question below...

Why does this righteousness make FOUNTAINS out of our mouths and not factories?

Righteousness means being rooted in God, not standing outside God trying to earn your way in with a list of behaviors. Biblical righteousness is not primarily a set of things that you do but rather it is whom you trust and whom you live with and whom you fear to forsake, and whom you learn from to be wise. Or to use the New Testament terminology, righteousness is abiding in the vine, not working for the vine, but trusting the vine to work through you, and flow through you. Righteousness is being in Christ and living by faith in his power and grace and wisdom.

That kind of relationship with God and his Son makes your mouth a fountain and not a factory. There is a great difference between the freedom of a fountain and the frenzy of a factory. God means to make our mouths pure and life-giving not by commanding us to marshal more human resources and digging up raw materials and organizing labor and management like a factory like: "Get your psychological corporate act together!" Instead God means to make our mouths pure and life-giving by becoming our resources and our raw material and our labor and management himself.

"Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks," Jesus said (Matthew 12:34). And the way God means to change the mouth is by becoming that abundance. He means to be a fountain of life for us and in us so that out of that abundance our mouths can be a fountain of life for others.

What Should I Know/Do?

The mouth of the righteous is a fountain and not a factory because righteousness means living on the abundance of God moment by moment drinking at the fountain of living water which is nothing less than God himself, manifest in Jesus Christ, and welling up in our hearts by the Holy Spirit (John 4:14; 7:38–39).

So the heart of this devotional is a call to trust God as your abundance and treasure. To live in God, to feed on God, and drink from God, and fellowship with God, learn all your wisdom from God, and fear to forsake God (Ezra 8:22). He invites you this morning very earnestly and sincerely: "Let him who is thirsty come, let him who desires take the water of life without price" (Revelation 22:17). The fountain of life is free. And it reproduces fountains not factories.

Lifting Prayers

Dear Lord, I thank You that you offer it to us this incredible gift of Love free without a price, an offering poured out through Jesus’ great sacrifice to anyone who will accept it. I thank you, too, that you loved us enough to give us freewill to choose it for ourselves; it is never forced upon us. Therefore Lord, I declare I am righteous, my mouth is a Fountain of Life and not curses. Give me grace to brittle my tongue. Whenever I speak, let Life flow through me. Help me to always abide constantly in you. Teacher, teach me all I need to know, guide me unto the end. Amen.

Perilous Times

The remarkable picture of the present age given in the prophecy of Paul in 2 Timothy 3, is breathtaking both in scope and detail. Humanly speaking, not even the massive intellect of the apostle could have led him to see the unique features of apostasy in today's western world. It is the voice of God that speaks in this passage, providing his people living in days of apostasy with the explanations, warnings and guidance so sorely needed for their safety and survival. Do we have an adequate understanding of such times of unusually severe godlessness? What are the special dangers? Where must we most carefully set watch against the wiles of the devil? Do we know exactly how atheism will reshape society, and influence even true churches?

The media and the world of education has decided that there is no God, no soul, no absolute standard of right and wrong, and that no one has the right to challenge others on these things. Everyone is entitled to do that which is right in his own eyes. This is an age of unprecedented arrogance and self-determination, no former age having seen such extensive 're-programming' of the human conscience to 'call evil good, and good evil'; to 'put darkness for light, and light for darkness'.
Society's tremendous resistance to witness and evangelism is also dangerous to churches, because, as we have noted, pastors and people become demoralised and disheartened, and faith fails. Some good churches have already given up evangelism, and have lapsed into introspection and decline, while even more have fallen into an entirely different trap by redesigning their churches and methods to make themselves more attractive to worldlings.

Worship has been turned into entertainment; something for the pleasure of earthly-minded people, and not something for God. Numerous churches have become little more than social clubs, but with an added benefit attached the supposed favour of God towards the members, along with a place in Heaven.

God’s people today are deeply disappointed at the slow progress of their evangelistic efforts, feeling almost crushed when they read of the success and blessing of past worthies. But these are days of unique hardness 'perilous times' and Scripture here tells us how to recognise and respond to them.

So far, the last days have amounted to a period of over 2,000 years, and within this period there have already been a number of seasons of conspicuous godlessness, characterised by abandonment of the faith and hostility to the Gospel.
According to Paul these extreme anti-Christian seasons will come and go in cycles (but not necessarily uniformly throughout the world). They are to be expected from time to time throughout the Gospel age, and God's people must beware, and take special precautions. These evil times or seasons will not arise without warning. The words of Paul 'perilous times shall come' indicate that such seasons will set in, or settle in, rather in the way that a great storm comes. There will be a build-up of indications: a spiritual chill, a darkening over of Gospel knowledge, and a developing wind of cynicism. There signs are currently in our nation Nigeria. Formally, we hear of bombings, killings, burning of churches, and all sorts but right now have come to us. All these signs have been manifested in Britain over the last fifty years.

What Should I Know/Do?

The brokenness of society prophesied in 2 Timothy 3, needs to be taken account of by us, so that our outreach may be relevant, and our protection of God’s people adequate for the time. So we turn to the features of ­behaviour in a time of apostasy.

Lifting Prayers

Dear Jesus, I thank you, Lord, for granting me this precious moment to be with You. Thank You for Your provisions today: for food, for shelter and for hearing my prayer. I know that nothing escapes You, and that even now, You are aware of everything going on in the world. Despite great despair and pain, You are watching, leaning in, and listening for the cries of Your children.
 Today Lord, I am crying out to You. Lord, I see the suffering of so many. I sense their pain, and I see the chaos around me. Each day, it intensifies. When will it end, Lord? I see so many deceptions, countless lies and unspeakable evil. I see so many who are struggling to see Your Light, while others do all that they can to hide it from them. Arise Lord, Multiply grace to your Church, Heal the broken hearted, set the captives free, heal the sick, grant unto us boldness to reach out to the Lost and endue your Church with power in this challenging times. Amen!

The Story of Anna(an effective witness).

The story of Anna is contained in just three small verses of Scripture, but contained in this brief account of her life are several significant principles to guide us in becoming a more effective messenger for Christ.

Luke 2:36 states that anna was a prophetess, she fasted and prayed, and she never left the temple. The KJV contains an additional phrase, "she lived with her husband seven years from her virginity." All these references reveal that Anna lived a separated or holy life. When God chose someone to offer a witness for His Son, He chose someone who practiced purity.

Anna's purity serves as a beautiful picture that an effective witness flows from a holy life. Many Christians are weak and ineffective because their lives are filled with ungodliness. These weak witnesses live with shame knowing their hypocrisy limits their credibility in speaking for the cause of Christ, so these worldly believers remain silent. The apostle Paul wrote to Timothy instructing him, "If a man cleanses himself he will be a vessel of honor, made holy, useful to the master and prepared for every good work." (2 Tim 2:12).

The biographical account of Anna reveals that she was a prayer warrior who prayed night and day. When God chose a handful of believers who testified at His Son's birth, God chose someone who prayed. Through prayer she gained an insight that many failed to grasp. I am sure she was familiar with the prophecy of Jeremiah who declared for God, "Call upon me, and I will show great and mighty things that you do not know" (Jer. 33:3). Anna saw mighty things of God that others missed.

Look back at Anna's story. The Scripture says she spoke to all who were looking for redemption (v. 38). I can not prove it from the text, but I am convinced that she told people for whom she had been praying. Who are you praying for? If you can not name someone, then pray for God to lead you to a lost soul that you can bring into the presence of Christ through prayer.

We need to pray consistently, but we must also be ready to take the next step of proclaiming boldly. The text says "she went up to them," and she spoke to others who were looking for redemption. These verses reveal a holy boldness to initiate the conversation. Anna recognized what an awesome privilege she had been given to testify of the Messiah. Some people thought she was just a crazy old lady, but Anna was more concerned about the Messiah than what the multitudes thought.

Boldness is not about doing crazy off the wall, life-threatening adventures. Holy boldness like Anna's is stepping out of a comfort zone, by faith, to share the great news of eternal life with those who need it and are ready to receive it. Boldness prevents you from becoming negative or defeated when everyone does not respond. Most did not believe Jesus even after they saw Him perform miracles; and most will not believe you. Through holy boldness, we keep sharing because we refuse to be intimidated by darkness, ridicule, or a calloused heart of a lost soul.

What Should I Know/Do?

You cannot read this story without noticing the emphasis on Anna's age. Some translations say she was a widow for 84 years after 7 years of marriage. If she was 14 when she married, she would have been 105 years old. Other translations like the NIV indicate she was 84, but the point is the text says she was "very old." She had longed for this day for many years, and God granted her the desire of her heart. Widowhood would have been extremely difficult in the first century. Remember the Apostle Paul's instruction to encourage young widows to remarry. The first deacons of the church were chosen to address needs related to widows. Anna probably battled poverty, loneliness, and depression, but she never lost hope in the God of Israel who loved her. She provides a powerful example to never give up. God's timing is perfect, and Anna waited faithfully on her God.

Notice, Anna makes her greatest contribution at her weakest condition. You persevere by doing what you can, where you are, with what you have. Far too many saints complain or get discouraged about what they don't have or can't do. At almost 100 years of age, there were some things Anna could not do that she once did, but Anna kept on serving. I love the words spoken by Jesus to Mary of Bethany who anointed him with burial perfume. Jesus said, "She has done what she could." Anna did what she could. What are you doing with what you have?

A major lesson from Anna's life is not to let age or any other barrier prevent you from making a significant contribution to the Kingdom. One of the beautiful aspects of the Christmas story is the variety of people that God uses for His glory. Young and old, rich and poor, women and men - all play critical roles in God's plan of redemption. Anna's story challenges all of us to stop making excuses that limit our effectiveness and start making a difference with the opportunities and resources that we do have.

Lifting Prayers

Dear Lord, I realize that many who lived in Anna's day were not looking for the Messiah. I pray today that you would stir the hearts of all my lost loved ones that they would start to look for You their Messiah. Father, many today have a vision of Jesus that is incorrect. Many people do not read their Bible, so they are easily fooled into believing things about Jesus that are not true. Lord, I declare that I will read my Bible. I want to know the true Jesus. I want to serve him and love him with all my heart. Lord, help me not to twist the scriptures into my interpretation. Help me not to create my vision of things.  Help me to see things the way they really are. Help me to love your Word just as it is and to be an effective witness like Anna Your servant. Amen!