The Christian gospel is not just a lovely story, although it is that, because it is the story of something very wonderful that God has done in history. He has sent His own Son into this world (John 3:16; 1 Timothy 1:15). At just the right time Jesus came, rose, and ascended and went back to the right-hand of God (Galatians 4:4-6). The other wonderful thing that God has done in history is this: He has sent the Holy Spirit to live within and to empower His own people, and the second chapter of Acts records this.
From Acts 2:1 we learn that it was a pre-determined event in the mind of God. The Holy Spirit was not poured out as the result of the prayer meeting held by the disciples. In Leviticus 23:15-16 we read of the feast of Pentecost, which was to take place fifty days after the Passover feast. The Lord Jesus ascended into heaven forty days after His resurrection, and then ten days after that came the Day of Pentecost. Notice in Acts 2:13-17 that Pentecost was the first fulfilment of Joel’’s prophecy which had been made 850 years previously (Joel 2:28-32).
In many of His sayings, the Lord Jesus anticipated the coming of the Holy Spirit (John 7:37-39; John 14:16-17). He promised that He would come to indwell all Christians, and at Pentecost that is exactly what happened - “All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit” (verse 4). Since that day, immediately someone becomes a Christian the Holy Spirit takes up residence; this is the distinctive mark of a real Christian; Read through and compare Romans 8:9; 1 Corinthians 6:19.
If you look again at Acts 2:4 you will notice that they were “all filled" young and old, rich and poor, educated and illiterate, preachers and all were filled. This is God’’s plan and provision for every one of His children; this is to be the normal experience for Christians. Read Acts 4:31; 9:17 and 13:52.
*What Should I Know/Do?*
If you study the Lord’s pattern for Christian living and serving you will find that Christians are to be new people (2 Corinthians 5:17); they are to be love-filled (John 13:34-35); holy (1 Peter 1:15); courageous (Acts 4:13); willing to suffer (Acts 5:41); they are to witness with power (Acts 1:8); to take the gospel to the ends of the world (Matthew 28:19). But how is this possible? – Zechariah 4:6!
We get this clearly brought out in Acts 2:21. What an amazing thing it is that provision has been made by the Lord for “whoever believes in him” (John 3:16) to know the Lord Jesus Christ as the living Saviour and the Holy Spirit as the abiding, indwelling Comforter!
Lifting Prayers
Dear Lord, For the Spirit of Peace that calms our mind and stills our life, we give You thanks. For the Spirit of Love that touches hearts and reaches out, we give You thanks. For the Spirit of Joy that lifts our soul and gives us faith we give You thanks. For the Spirit of Power, that gift of grace for Your church, we give You thanks. We ask for Your forgiveness, Lord, when we forget the power that lies within, and trust instead upon our human strength. Remind us of that glorious day when Your Spirit transformed the lives of those who hid in fear, into men of power. Renew those hearts which have grown cold with flames of fire, as on that Pentecost, that this might be the church that You desire. Amen!
Monday, 27 February 2017
Thursday, 23 February 2017
Manifestation Of Sonship
The entire creation of God is patiently waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God. Sons of God are created to walk, talk, and act like their Father, the Father of their spirits. Those that have been filled with His Spirit who went ahead of us manifested Kingdom power.
According to the Bible, when John the Baptist came on the scene his message was simply: “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” – Matthew 3:2. He was busy baptizing people in the River Jordan as he admonished his listeners to repent because of the Kingdom of heaven that was at hand. Subsequently, when Jesus came to him to be baptized, John said “Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world” (John 1:29) and he baptized Jesus. Jesus was filled with the Holy Spirit, and was led into the desert to be tempted by the devil for forty days and forty nights.
Jesus came back out of the desert after the temptations, in the power of the Holy Spirit, walked into the synagogue, opened the Book and read from Isaiah 61: “The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me” (Luke 4:18). And in that power he started preaching: “Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” – Matthew 4:17. He preached the exact same message that John the Baptist preached. There was no difference in their messages.
Matthew 10:1:
“And Jesus summoned to Him His twelve disciples and gave them power and authority over unclean spirits to drive them out and to cure all kinds of disease and all kinds of weakness and infirmity.” Here, we learn that Jesus called the twelve disciples and gave them all authority and power, over all devils, all sickness, and all weakness and infirmities. Now, we can cure any sick person, we can cast out any demons.
Verse 7: “And as you go, preach saying ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’” Jesus gave the disciples the same message that He and John the Baptist preached. They were to preach the good news that the Kingdom of heaven was at hand. But what was the evidence that their message was true?
Verse 8: “Cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, drive out demons.”The proof was going to be in the manifestation of kingdom power through them. The manifestation of the sons of God was mandatory! Jesus told them and by extension us who believe, to heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, and drive out demons. What a radical instruction this was!
He did not ask them to go and pray that perhaps God would do all these things. He commanded them to perform these acts. He commanded them to go forth and manifest the power of the Kingdom of God on the earth.
Many sons of God are not seeing the miraculous results they are praying for. This is precisely because they are not taking their authority and commanding God’s power. They are passively asking God to do what He has already commanded them to do.
God is the Healer! But, God has placed His healing power under our authority, and it is up to us to release it. If the sons of God do not take their authority and become commanders instead of beggars, God’s power will not be released through them. Our minds must be radically renewed in this area. The manifestation of the sons of God is non-negotiable.
What Should I Know/Do?
1 Corinthians 4:20:
“The kingdom of heaven is not in words but the kingdom is in power.” The disciples were to announce the arrival of the Kingdom of heaven. However, the kingdom of heaven is not in words only. The kingdom of heaven is in power! The kingdom of God is all authority, all power. We are to heal all the sick, cleanse all the lepers, raise the dead, and preach that the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
So, Apostle Paul did not want to know about the speech of the Corinthian church. He desired to see their power. This was the only proof he desired to ascertain their position in the Kingdom of God. He was a certified evidence of the manifest sons of God.
Romans 8 vs 19 says 'For the creation is eagerly awaiting the revelation of God's children'. A child is a joy to the father, while son is the pride to the father. What brings pride to the father is your son-ship and manifestation. It takes spiritual capacity for you to manifest, the more you grow in spirit, the wider your manifestation. Growth is personal responsibility each person must take on himself or herself, nobody can build capacity for you. This growth does not depend on age, it is a matter of accepting responsibilities for your life. Go ye into the world and Preach the gospel.
Lifting Prayers
Dear Lord, I thank you for this day, be Thou glorified! All I ask is grace to see and understand the indepth of your word to avoid self seeking gratification but to look at myself as the Colt you rode upon knowing without You, I am nothing. Help me to be kingdom focused, kingdom seeker. May I not overlook any of Your command, "go ye into the world and Preach the gospel"! According to your word, I believe and also I am a carrier of signs following they that believe. I manifestation the fullness of the Kingdom, power and grace. Amen.
According to the Bible, when John the Baptist came on the scene his message was simply: “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” – Matthew 3:2. He was busy baptizing people in the River Jordan as he admonished his listeners to repent because of the Kingdom of heaven that was at hand. Subsequently, when Jesus came to him to be baptized, John said “Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world” (John 1:29) and he baptized Jesus. Jesus was filled with the Holy Spirit, and was led into the desert to be tempted by the devil for forty days and forty nights.
Jesus came back out of the desert after the temptations, in the power of the Holy Spirit, walked into the synagogue, opened the Book and read from Isaiah 61: “The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me” (Luke 4:18). And in that power he started preaching: “Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” – Matthew 4:17. He preached the exact same message that John the Baptist preached. There was no difference in their messages.
Matthew 10:1:
“And Jesus summoned to Him His twelve disciples and gave them power and authority over unclean spirits to drive them out and to cure all kinds of disease and all kinds of weakness and infirmity.” Here, we learn that Jesus called the twelve disciples and gave them all authority and power, over all devils, all sickness, and all weakness and infirmities. Now, we can cure any sick person, we can cast out any demons.
Verse 7: “And as you go, preach saying ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’” Jesus gave the disciples the same message that He and John the Baptist preached. They were to preach the good news that the Kingdom of heaven was at hand. But what was the evidence that their message was true?
Verse 8: “Cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, drive out demons.”The proof was going to be in the manifestation of kingdom power through them. The manifestation of the sons of God was mandatory! Jesus told them and by extension us who believe, to heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, and drive out demons. What a radical instruction this was!
He did not ask them to go and pray that perhaps God would do all these things. He commanded them to perform these acts. He commanded them to go forth and manifest the power of the Kingdom of God on the earth.
Many sons of God are not seeing the miraculous results they are praying for. This is precisely because they are not taking their authority and commanding God’s power. They are passively asking God to do what He has already commanded them to do.
God is the Healer! But, God has placed His healing power under our authority, and it is up to us to release it. If the sons of God do not take their authority and become commanders instead of beggars, God’s power will not be released through them. Our minds must be radically renewed in this area. The manifestation of the sons of God is non-negotiable.
What Should I Know/Do?
1 Corinthians 4:20:
“The kingdom of heaven is not in words but the kingdom is in power.” The disciples were to announce the arrival of the Kingdom of heaven. However, the kingdom of heaven is not in words only. The kingdom of heaven is in power! The kingdom of God is all authority, all power. We are to heal all the sick, cleanse all the lepers, raise the dead, and preach that the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
So, Apostle Paul did not want to know about the speech of the Corinthian church. He desired to see their power. This was the only proof he desired to ascertain their position in the Kingdom of God. He was a certified evidence of the manifest sons of God.
Romans 8 vs 19 says 'For the creation is eagerly awaiting the revelation of God's children'. A child is a joy to the father, while son is the pride to the father. What brings pride to the father is your son-ship and manifestation. It takes spiritual capacity for you to manifest, the more you grow in spirit, the wider your manifestation. Growth is personal responsibility each person must take on himself or herself, nobody can build capacity for you. This growth does not depend on age, it is a matter of accepting responsibilities for your life. Go ye into the world and Preach the gospel.
Lifting Prayers
Dear Lord, I thank you for this day, be Thou glorified! All I ask is grace to see and understand the indepth of your word to avoid self seeking gratification but to look at myself as the Colt you rode upon knowing without You, I am nothing. Help me to be kingdom focused, kingdom seeker. May I not overlook any of Your command, "go ye into the world and Preach the gospel"! According to your word, I believe and also I am a carrier of signs following they that believe. I manifestation the fullness of the Kingdom, power and grace. Amen.
Wednesday, 22 February 2017
You Are God's Weapon Of War, God's Battle Axe!
A battle axe is a weapon in the hands of the warrior that can bring down the enemy. It has capacity to cut down, root up and break into pieces the strong holds of the enemy.
Ex 7:1; Whatever God would have done to Pharaoh, He will do it through Moses. Pharaoh did not see God, but he saw God’s power working through Moses.
The Lord wants to destroy many Pharaohs today, and He looks for the Moses that will serve as His instrument of battle, may He found you as one in Jesus name.
The world is a battle-field, and a place of darkness. A lot of satanic activities are going on, and they are all out to fight the kingdom of God, and to prevent the saints from getting there.
Many Christians have died untimely due to attacks from the powers of darkness and some are in hell because they refused to be the battle-axe of God. I pray that every hold of Satan and his kingdom over your life shall be broken in Jesus name.
A good axe must be sharp, strong, powerful and easy to use. The one that has capacity to cut things easily without getting damaged. God expects every Christian to be His battle-axe, which he will use in destroying the kingdom of darkness. Mark 16:17
He has therefore invested and entrusted His power to us, so that we can achieve this purpose effectively without fail. The devil is aware of this fact so he is vigilant. He is battle-ready at all times with a well orgainze agents of darkness in his kingdom for He knows the Christians that cannot be a razor blade, talk less of battle axes. Acts 19:13-16. It is very painful that some Christians are lukewarm and some are living a deceptive life. The truth is that the devil knows the stand and the worth of every one.
Some Christians are tools and toys in the hands of the devil, but that is not the will of God. I challenge everyone of us to rise up to the task of living according to the will of God so that we can actually be the mighty instruments that God intends us to be.
The devil is occupied 24hours of the day and he fires arrows at people, day and night. The Bible says he walks about looking for who to devour, that is while we must never relax in battle against the powers of darkness.
What Should I Know/Do?
What sharpens you is the word of God. Every believer in Christ must be skillful in the use of the sword of the Spirit for both defensive and offensive actions.
• Addiction to food, drugs, sleep, all of which can make us to be cold and inactive spiritually.
• Disobedience to the word of God. We can see the case of the young prophet who was disobedient to the instructions of God after doing exploits for God, He was abandoned and even the old lying prophet was used to deliver the judgment against him.
• Pride in our lives can serves as rust. We saw the case of Peter who became proud about his stand with Christ, and latter found himself denying Him. God will always resist a proud man and make more grace available to the humble man.
• Sexual impurity. We saw how Solomon and Samson gave up themselves to sexual impurity and they could no longer be mighty in the service of God. To be effective as God’s battle axe, you need to free yourself from all forms of sexual sins and live in purity unto God.
An axe is made of metal; it passes through fire to get its shape. It might not be pleasant, but makes a person a better vessel. Trials, temptations, afflictions and tribulations are the various fire we need to pass through, so that we can come out as sharper and stronger instruments in the hands of God. Also, availability is very important to be useful by God. No matter how strong an axe may be, if it is not readily available for use, it is good as if it is not there at all.
Lifting Prayers
Lord, Help the world, your elect, your kingdom here on earth. According to your word, "You give strength to the faint and to them with no might, you increase strength". Increase our strength, our focus and make us fit to becoming your weapons of war. We drop every burden of darkness in us and take up your burden for it's easy... Thank you dear Lord.... Let your kingdom come, let Your will be done... Help the dying world and deliver them from sin and darkness bringing them to you. Amen.
Ex 7:1; Whatever God would have done to Pharaoh, He will do it through Moses. Pharaoh did not see God, but he saw God’s power working through Moses.
The Lord wants to destroy many Pharaohs today, and He looks for the Moses that will serve as His instrument of battle, may He found you as one in Jesus name.
The world is a battle-field, and a place of darkness. A lot of satanic activities are going on, and they are all out to fight the kingdom of God, and to prevent the saints from getting there.
Many Christians have died untimely due to attacks from the powers of darkness and some are in hell because they refused to be the battle-axe of God. I pray that every hold of Satan and his kingdom over your life shall be broken in Jesus name.
A good axe must be sharp, strong, powerful and easy to use. The one that has capacity to cut things easily without getting damaged. God expects every Christian to be His battle-axe, which he will use in destroying the kingdom of darkness. Mark 16:17
He has therefore invested and entrusted His power to us, so that we can achieve this purpose effectively without fail. The devil is aware of this fact so he is vigilant. He is battle-ready at all times with a well orgainze agents of darkness in his kingdom for He knows the Christians that cannot be a razor blade, talk less of battle axes. Acts 19:13-16. It is very painful that some Christians are lukewarm and some are living a deceptive life. The truth is that the devil knows the stand and the worth of every one.
Some Christians are tools and toys in the hands of the devil, but that is not the will of God. I challenge everyone of us to rise up to the task of living according to the will of God so that we can actually be the mighty instruments that God intends us to be.
The devil is occupied 24hours of the day and he fires arrows at people, day and night. The Bible says he walks about looking for who to devour, that is while we must never relax in battle against the powers of darkness.
What Should I Know/Do?
What sharpens you is the word of God. Every believer in Christ must be skillful in the use of the sword of the Spirit for both defensive and offensive actions.
• Addiction to food, drugs, sleep, all of which can make us to be cold and inactive spiritually.
• Disobedience to the word of God. We can see the case of the young prophet who was disobedient to the instructions of God after doing exploits for God, He was abandoned and even the old lying prophet was used to deliver the judgment against him.
• Pride in our lives can serves as rust. We saw the case of Peter who became proud about his stand with Christ, and latter found himself denying Him. God will always resist a proud man and make more grace available to the humble man.
• Sexual impurity. We saw how Solomon and Samson gave up themselves to sexual impurity and they could no longer be mighty in the service of God. To be effective as God’s battle axe, you need to free yourself from all forms of sexual sins and live in purity unto God.
An axe is made of metal; it passes through fire to get its shape. It might not be pleasant, but makes a person a better vessel. Trials, temptations, afflictions and tribulations are the various fire we need to pass through, so that we can come out as sharper and stronger instruments in the hands of God. Also, availability is very important to be useful by God. No matter how strong an axe may be, if it is not readily available for use, it is good as if it is not there at all.
Lifting Prayers
Lord, Help the world, your elect, your kingdom here on earth. According to your word, "You give strength to the faint and to them with no might, you increase strength". Increase our strength, our focus and make us fit to becoming your weapons of war. We drop every burden of darkness in us and take up your burden for it's easy... Thank you dear Lord.... Let your kingdom come, let Your will be done... Help the dying world and deliver them from sin and darkness bringing them to you. Amen.
You Are God's Weapon Of War, God's Battle Axe!
A battle axe is a weapon in the hands of the warrior that can bring down the enemy. It has capacity to cut down, root up and break into pieces the strong holds of the enemy.
Ex 7:1; Whatever God would have done to Pharaoh, He will do it through Moses. Pharaoh did not see God, but he saw God’s power working through Moses.
The Lord wants to destroy many Pharaohs today, and He looks for the Moses that will serve as His instrument of battle, may He found you as one in Jesus name.
The world is a battle-field, and a place of darkness. A lot of satanic activities are going on, and they are all out to fight the kingdom of God, and to prevent the saints from getting there.
Many Christians have died untimely due to attacks from the powers of darkness and some are in hell because they refused to be the battle-axe of God. I pray that every hold of Satan and his kingdom over your life shall be broken in Jesus name.
A good axe must be sharp, strong, powerful and easy to use. The one that has capacity to cut things easily without getting damaged. God expects every Christian to be His battle-axe, which he will use in destroying the kingdom of darkness. Mark 16:17
He has therefore invested and entrusted His power to us, so that we can achieve this purpose effectively without fail. The devil is aware of this fact so he is vigilant. He is battle-ready at all times with a well orgainze agents of darkness in his kingdom for He knows the Christians that cannot be a razor blade, talk less of battle axes. Acts 19:13-16. It is very painful that some Christians are lukewarm and some are living a deceptive life. The truth is that the devil knows the stand and the worth of every one.
Some Christians are tools and toys in the hands of the devil, but that is not the will of God. I challenge everyone of us to rise up to the task of living according to the will of God so that we can actually be the mighty instruments that God intends us to be.
The devil is occupied 24hours of the day and he fires arrows at people, day and night. The Bible says he walks about looking for who to devour, that is while we must never relax in battle against the powers of darkness.
What Should I Know/Do?
What sharpens you is the word of God. Every believer in Christ must be skillful in the use of the sword of the Spirit for both defensive and offensive actions.
• Addiction to food, drugs, sleep, all of which can make us to be cold and inactive spiritually.
• Disobedience to the word of God. We can see the case of the young prophet who was disobedient to the instructions of God after doing exploits for God, He was abandoned and even the old lying prophet was used to deliver the judgment against him.
• Pride in our lives can serves as rust. We saw the case of Peter who became proud about his stand with Christ, and latter found himself denying Him. God will always resist a proud man and make more grace available to the humble man.
• Sexual impurity. We saw how Solomon and Samson gave up themselves to sexual impurity and they could no longer be mighty in the service of God. To be effective as God’s battle axe, you need to free yourself from all forms of sexual sins and live in purity unto God.
An axe is made of metal; it passes through fire to get its shape. It might not be pleasant, but makes a person a better vessel. Trials, temptations, afflictions and tribulations are the various fire we need to pass through, so that we can come out as sharper and stronger instruments in the hands of God. Also, availability is very important to be useful by God. No matter how strong an axe may be, if it is not readily available for use, it is good as if it is not there at all.
Lifting Prayers
Lord, Help the world, your elect, your kingdom here on earth. According to your word, "You give strength to the faint and to them with no might, you increase strength". Increase our strength, our focus and make us fit to becoming your weapons of war. We drop every burden of darkness in us and take up your burden for it's easy... Thank you dear Lord.... Let your kingdom come, let Your will be done... Help the dying world and deliver them from sin and darkness bringing them to you. Amen.
Ex 7:1; Whatever God would have done to Pharaoh, He will do it through Moses. Pharaoh did not see God, but he saw God’s power working through Moses.
The Lord wants to destroy many Pharaohs today, and He looks for the Moses that will serve as His instrument of battle, may He found you as one in Jesus name.
The world is a battle-field, and a place of darkness. A lot of satanic activities are going on, and they are all out to fight the kingdom of God, and to prevent the saints from getting there.
Many Christians have died untimely due to attacks from the powers of darkness and some are in hell because they refused to be the battle-axe of God. I pray that every hold of Satan and his kingdom over your life shall be broken in Jesus name.
A good axe must be sharp, strong, powerful and easy to use. The one that has capacity to cut things easily without getting damaged. God expects every Christian to be His battle-axe, which he will use in destroying the kingdom of darkness. Mark 16:17
He has therefore invested and entrusted His power to us, so that we can achieve this purpose effectively without fail. The devil is aware of this fact so he is vigilant. He is battle-ready at all times with a well orgainze agents of darkness in his kingdom for He knows the Christians that cannot be a razor blade, talk less of battle axes. Acts 19:13-16. It is very painful that some Christians are lukewarm and some are living a deceptive life. The truth is that the devil knows the stand and the worth of every one.
Some Christians are tools and toys in the hands of the devil, but that is not the will of God. I challenge everyone of us to rise up to the task of living according to the will of God so that we can actually be the mighty instruments that God intends us to be.
The devil is occupied 24hours of the day and he fires arrows at people, day and night. The Bible says he walks about looking for who to devour, that is while we must never relax in battle against the powers of darkness.
What Should I Know/Do?
What sharpens you is the word of God. Every believer in Christ must be skillful in the use of the sword of the Spirit for both defensive and offensive actions.
• Addiction to food, drugs, sleep, all of which can make us to be cold and inactive spiritually.
• Disobedience to the word of God. We can see the case of the young prophet who was disobedient to the instructions of God after doing exploits for God, He was abandoned and even the old lying prophet was used to deliver the judgment against him.
• Pride in our lives can serves as rust. We saw the case of Peter who became proud about his stand with Christ, and latter found himself denying Him. God will always resist a proud man and make more grace available to the humble man.
• Sexual impurity. We saw how Solomon and Samson gave up themselves to sexual impurity and they could no longer be mighty in the service of God. To be effective as God’s battle axe, you need to free yourself from all forms of sexual sins and live in purity unto God.
An axe is made of metal; it passes through fire to get its shape. It might not be pleasant, but makes a person a better vessel. Trials, temptations, afflictions and tribulations are the various fire we need to pass through, so that we can come out as sharper and stronger instruments in the hands of God. Also, availability is very important to be useful by God. No matter how strong an axe may be, if it is not readily available for use, it is good as if it is not there at all.
Lifting Prayers
Lord, Help the world, your elect, your kingdom here on earth. According to your word, "You give strength to the faint and to them with no might, you increase strength". Increase our strength, our focus and make us fit to becoming your weapons of war. We drop every burden of darkness in us and take up your burden for it's easy... Thank you dear Lord.... Let your kingdom come, let Your will be done... Help the dying world and deliver them from sin and darkness bringing them to you. Amen.
You Are God's Weapon Of War, God's Battle Axe!
A battle axe is a weapon in the hands of the warrior that can bring down the enemy. It has capacity to cut down, root up and break into pieces the strong holds of the enemy.
Ex 7:1; Whatever God would have done to Pharaoh, He will do it through Moses. Pharaoh did not see God, but he saw God’s power working through Moses.
The Lord wants to destroy many Pharaohs today, and He looks for the Moses that will serve as His instrument of battle, may He found you as one in Jesus name.
The world is a battle-field, and a place of darkness. A lot of satanic activities are going on, and they are all out to fight the kingdom of God, and to prevent the saints from getting there.
Many Christians have died untimely due to attacks from the powers of darkness and some are in hell because they refused to be the battle-axe of God. I pray that every hold of Satan and his kingdom over your life shall be broken in Jesus name.
A good axe must be sharp, strong, powerful and easy to use. The one that has capacity to cut things easily without getting damaged. God expects every Christian to be His battle-axe, which he will use in destroying the kingdom of darkness. Mark 16:17
He has therefore invested and entrusted His power to us, so that we can achieve this purpose effectively without fail. The devil is aware of this fact so he is vigilant. He is battle-ready at all times with a well orgainze agents of darkness in his kingdom for He knows the Christians that cannot be a razor blade, talk less of battle axes. Acts 19:13-16. It is very painful that some Christians are lukewarm and some are living a deceptive life. The truth is that the devil knows the stand and the worth of every one.
Some Christians are tools and toys in the hands of the devil, but that is not the will of God. I challenge everyone of us to rise up to the task of living according to the will of God so that we can actually be the mighty instruments that God intends us to be.
The devil is occupied 24hours of the day and he fires arrows at people, day and night. The Bible says he walks about looking for who to devour, that is while we must never relax in battle against the powers of darkness.
What Should I Know/Do?
What sharpens you is the word of God. Every believer in Christ must be skillful in the use of the sword of the Spirit for both defensive and offensive actions.
• Addiction to food, drugs, sleep, all of which can make us to be cold and inactive spiritually.
• Disobedience to the word of God. We can see the case of the young prophet who was disobedient to the instructions of God after doing exploits for God, He was abandoned and even the old lying prophet was used to deliver the judgment against him.
• Pride in our lives can serves as rust. We saw the case of Peter who became proud about his stand with Christ, and latter found himself denying Him. God will always resist a proud man and make more grace available to the humble man.
• Sexual impurity. We saw how Solomon and Samson gave up themselves to sexual impurity and they could no longer be mighty in the service of God. To be effective as God’s battle axe, you need to free yourself from all forms of sexual sins and live in purity unto God.
An axe is made of metal; it passes through fire to get its shape. It might not be pleasant, but makes a person a better vessel. Trials, temptations, afflictions and tribulations are the various fire we need to pass through, so that we can come out as sharper and stronger instruments in the hands of God. Also, availability is very important to be useful by God. No matter how strong an axe may be, if it is not readily available for use, it is good as if it is not there at all.
Lifting Prayers
Lord, Help the world, your elect, your kingdom here on earth. According to your word, "You give strength to the faint and to them with no might, you increase strength". Increase our strength, our focus and make us fit to becoming your weapons of war. We drop every burden of darkness in us and take up your burden for it's easy... Thank you dear Lord.... Let your kingdom come, let Your will be done... Help the dying world and deliver them from sin and darkness bringing them to you. Amen.
Ex 7:1; Whatever God would have done to Pharaoh, He will do it through Moses. Pharaoh did not see God, but he saw God’s power working through Moses.
The Lord wants to destroy many Pharaohs today, and He looks for the Moses that will serve as His instrument of battle, may He found you as one in Jesus name.
The world is a battle-field, and a place of darkness. A lot of satanic activities are going on, and they are all out to fight the kingdom of God, and to prevent the saints from getting there.
Many Christians have died untimely due to attacks from the powers of darkness and some are in hell because they refused to be the battle-axe of God. I pray that every hold of Satan and his kingdom over your life shall be broken in Jesus name.
A good axe must be sharp, strong, powerful and easy to use. The one that has capacity to cut things easily without getting damaged. God expects every Christian to be His battle-axe, which he will use in destroying the kingdom of darkness. Mark 16:17
He has therefore invested and entrusted His power to us, so that we can achieve this purpose effectively without fail. The devil is aware of this fact so he is vigilant. He is battle-ready at all times with a well orgainze agents of darkness in his kingdom for He knows the Christians that cannot be a razor blade, talk less of battle axes. Acts 19:13-16. It is very painful that some Christians are lukewarm and some are living a deceptive life. The truth is that the devil knows the stand and the worth of every one.
Some Christians are tools and toys in the hands of the devil, but that is not the will of God. I challenge everyone of us to rise up to the task of living according to the will of God so that we can actually be the mighty instruments that God intends us to be.
The devil is occupied 24hours of the day and he fires arrows at people, day and night. The Bible says he walks about looking for who to devour, that is while we must never relax in battle against the powers of darkness.
What Should I Know/Do?
What sharpens you is the word of God. Every believer in Christ must be skillful in the use of the sword of the Spirit for both defensive and offensive actions.
• Addiction to food, drugs, sleep, all of which can make us to be cold and inactive spiritually.
• Disobedience to the word of God. We can see the case of the young prophet who was disobedient to the instructions of God after doing exploits for God, He was abandoned and even the old lying prophet was used to deliver the judgment against him.
• Pride in our lives can serves as rust. We saw the case of Peter who became proud about his stand with Christ, and latter found himself denying Him. God will always resist a proud man and make more grace available to the humble man.
• Sexual impurity. We saw how Solomon and Samson gave up themselves to sexual impurity and they could no longer be mighty in the service of God. To be effective as God’s battle axe, you need to free yourself from all forms of sexual sins and live in purity unto God.
An axe is made of metal; it passes through fire to get its shape. It might not be pleasant, but makes a person a better vessel. Trials, temptations, afflictions and tribulations are the various fire we need to pass through, so that we can come out as sharper and stronger instruments in the hands of God. Also, availability is very important to be useful by God. No matter how strong an axe may be, if it is not readily available for use, it is good as if it is not there at all.
Lifting Prayers
Lord, Help the world, your elect, your kingdom here on earth. According to your word, "You give strength to the faint and to them with no might, you increase strength". Increase our strength, our focus and make us fit to becoming your weapons of war. We drop every burden of darkness in us and take up your burden for it's easy... Thank you dear Lord.... Let your kingdom come, let Your will be done... Help the dying world and deliver them from sin and darkness bringing them to you. Amen.
Tuesday, 21 February 2017
Walking With God Through Faith
By faith Enoch was taken away so that he did not see death, "and was not found, because God had taken him"; for before he was taken he had this testimony, that he pleased God. ~Heb 11:5
The fact that Paul states Enoch walked with God suggests a relationship had been established between them. Enoch had thus already experienced what Abel's example teaches. Enoch's example takes us to the next logical step in a faithful person's movement toward glorification. In his arrangement of examples of faith, Paul is emphasizing, not chronological, but experiential order, that is, faith as experienced in practical life. In a true life of faith, walking with God follows justification.
"Walk" and "walking" are the Bible's most frequently used metaphors for two related concepts. Depending upon the translation, they are used almost three hundred times to indicate interaction with another and making progress toward a destination. Somewhat related but used to a lesser extent, "walk" or "walking" indicates the passage of time as a person continues in a chosen direction of life and lifestyle. For example:
» Psalm 1:1: "Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly."
» Proverbs 4:14: "Do not enter the path of the wicked, and do not walk in the way of evil."
» Daniel 4:37: "And those who walk in pride He is able to abase."
» Micah 6:8: "And what does the LORD require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?"
» Psalm 119:45: "And I will walk at liberty, for I seek Your precepts."
Scores of similar descriptions are scattered throughout the Bible. They provide a composite picture of the wide variety of the facets of the godly person's and the evil person's manners of life. Since Amos 3:3 shows that two cannot walk together unless they agree, a person walking with God illustrates that the two are in agreement. This does not mean the person is perfect, but it does imply God's acceptance of him at that stage of his life.
What Should I Know/Do?
Check through scriptures and see the difference between someone who walked with God and someone who did not walk with God. A vivid example is Saul and David. Saul through his own way felt he could please God but disobeyed and walked contrary to God's expectations then He (God) choosed David to be king. David ruled successfully and handed over to his son Solomon by closely walking with God, putting Him in every decision. What about you? Is God in your decision? Like Saul, do you feel right driven by emotions, friends, family and personal quest? In the end, it spell disaster and regrets. God stopped Samuel from mourning over Saul but to annoint David to be king. May no other take your place... Return to God today while you still can and ask Him to forgive you. Resume your walk with God for it pays to walk with Him.
Lifting Prayers
Dear Lord through the blood shed for me at the cross and also with a broken heart and contrite Spirit I come to You today asking for your forgiveness. Have mercy Lord and bring me back to where you have planned for me. Restore my Lost glory, my lost place... I choose through faith to walk with you. Beautiful Lord, laying your majesty aside, you reached out in Love to show me life, lifted from darkness into Light. You did all this for me to be by your side therefore Lord, help me to stay put to your Leading and calling for you have the final say in my Life. Help the dying world dear Lord and Lead them to the way everlasting. Amen!
The fact that Paul states Enoch walked with God suggests a relationship had been established between them. Enoch had thus already experienced what Abel's example teaches. Enoch's example takes us to the next logical step in a faithful person's movement toward glorification. In his arrangement of examples of faith, Paul is emphasizing, not chronological, but experiential order, that is, faith as experienced in practical life. In a true life of faith, walking with God follows justification.
"Walk" and "walking" are the Bible's most frequently used metaphors for two related concepts. Depending upon the translation, they are used almost three hundred times to indicate interaction with another and making progress toward a destination. Somewhat related but used to a lesser extent, "walk" or "walking" indicates the passage of time as a person continues in a chosen direction of life and lifestyle. For example:
» Psalm 1:1: "Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly."
» Proverbs 4:14: "Do not enter the path of the wicked, and do not walk in the way of evil."
» Daniel 4:37: "And those who walk in pride He is able to abase."
» Micah 6:8: "And what does the LORD require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?"
» Psalm 119:45: "And I will walk at liberty, for I seek Your precepts."
Scores of similar descriptions are scattered throughout the Bible. They provide a composite picture of the wide variety of the facets of the godly person's and the evil person's manners of life. Since Amos 3:3 shows that two cannot walk together unless they agree, a person walking with God illustrates that the two are in agreement. This does not mean the person is perfect, but it does imply God's acceptance of him at that stage of his life.
What Should I Know/Do?
Check through scriptures and see the difference between someone who walked with God and someone who did not walk with God. A vivid example is Saul and David. Saul through his own way felt he could please God but disobeyed and walked contrary to God's expectations then He (God) choosed David to be king. David ruled successfully and handed over to his son Solomon by closely walking with God, putting Him in every decision. What about you? Is God in your decision? Like Saul, do you feel right driven by emotions, friends, family and personal quest? In the end, it spell disaster and regrets. God stopped Samuel from mourning over Saul but to annoint David to be king. May no other take your place... Return to God today while you still can and ask Him to forgive you. Resume your walk with God for it pays to walk with Him.
Lifting Prayers
Dear Lord through the blood shed for me at the cross and also with a broken heart and contrite Spirit I come to You today asking for your forgiveness. Have mercy Lord and bring me back to where you have planned for me. Restore my Lost glory, my lost place... I choose through faith to walk with you. Beautiful Lord, laying your majesty aside, you reached out in Love to show me life, lifted from darkness into Light. You did all this for me to be by your side therefore Lord, help me to stay put to your Leading and calling for you have the final say in my Life. Help the dying world dear Lord and Lead them to the way everlasting. Amen!
Monday, 20 February 2017
Lasting Impact
We are called to be salt-seasoning and light-bearers in our world. "Wait a second," you may be saying. "Surely, God did not mean me." Yes, God meant for you and me, his followers to be salt-seasoning and light-bearers in our world. When Jesus said, "You . . ." he meant "You, and you alone . . ." His words were not a suggestion, but a command. With urgency in his voice, Jesus says, "If you are salt, then season!" "If you are light, then shine!"
"You are the salt of the earth . . . You are the light of the world" (Matt. 5:13,14 NIV). Do you notice what is absent in this command? The words like or as. We are commanded to be salt and light not just to be like salt and light. The common denominator of salt and light is their uniqueness, their distinctness. There is nothing quite like salt. There is nothing quite like light.
Just as salt is different than pepper, and light is distinct from darkness, so are Christians distinct from the world. Have you ever been with a group of people and someone started to tell an off-point joke and then stopped in mid-sentence after looking at you? Your distinctiveness was coming through. Have you ever been with a group of people and they suggested going somewhere that they wouldn't want their children knowing about, but then said we can't do that because you were with them? Your distinctiveness was showing through.
It is the Christians' distinctiveness that makes a difference in the world. In business, it is called marketing. In advertising, it is called positioning. In football, it is called strategy. In Christians, it is called holiness. It is the distinguishing feature about us. It is what sets us apart from the rest of the world. Blaise Pascal said, "The serene, silent beauty of a holy life is the most powerful influence in the world, next to the might of God."
Jesus warned his followers, "But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men" (Matt. 5:13 NIV). Perhaps the most important thing about salt is that in its purest form it never loses its taste. Salt will always be salt. It is an extremely stable compound. You can put it in a dish, walk away, come back ten years later, and it will still be sodium chloride - salt. The only way salt can lose its saltiness is to be mixed with something else.
The point Jesus is making that it is dangerously easy for Christians to become diluted and lose their salty, preserving influence in the world.
If we are not affecting our world, the world is affecting us. If we are not salting the world, the world is rotting us.
What Should I Know/Do?
In order to prevent the world from affecting us, we must stay in close contact with the ultimate influence - Christ himself. A man bought one of those glow in the dark figures for his daughter. It stayed in the box until he got home that night. When he gave it to his daughter and told her what it was she was so excited. She tore open the box to reveal her gift. But it did not glow. She was sad. "What's wrong, Daddy?" she asked. The answer was revealed on the label attached to the figurine: If you want me to shine in the night, keep me in the light.
So it is with us. We must expose ourselves to Jesus, spend time in his word, soak up his rays through prayer. A weekly contact produces a weak influence. A daily contact produces a dynamic influence.
Lifting Prayers
Dear Lord, I thank you father. Thou art in Heaven, Blessed be thy Holy Name, Thy Kingdom is from everlasting and Thy will be done here on earth as it is in Heaven. Grant us this day grace for lasting impact. We are from Zion, we are from Him who is Light and whose Light is the Life of men... As we brood within us, your word, live in habitual fellowship with you, may we outshine the darkness within us to be able to radiantly shine to our world without nothing blocking our light... Help us as Light to give light, to direct, to be a positive model of reference in all and let the world crave for the Light we carry. All we ask EL-ROI is grace for Lasting impact. Amen!
"You are the salt of the earth . . . You are the light of the world" (Matt. 5:13,14 NIV). Do you notice what is absent in this command? The words like or as. We are commanded to be salt and light not just to be like salt and light. The common denominator of salt and light is their uniqueness, their distinctness. There is nothing quite like salt. There is nothing quite like light.
Just as salt is different than pepper, and light is distinct from darkness, so are Christians distinct from the world. Have you ever been with a group of people and someone started to tell an off-point joke and then stopped in mid-sentence after looking at you? Your distinctiveness was coming through. Have you ever been with a group of people and they suggested going somewhere that they wouldn't want their children knowing about, but then said we can't do that because you were with them? Your distinctiveness was showing through.
It is the Christians' distinctiveness that makes a difference in the world. In business, it is called marketing. In advertising, it is called positioning. In football, it is called strategy. In Christians, it is called holiness. It is the distinguishing feature about us. It is what sets us apart from the rest of the world. Blaise Pascal said, "The serene, silent beauty of a holy life is the most powerful influence in the world, next to the might of God."
Jesus warned his followers, "But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men" (Matt. 5:13 NIV). Perhaps the most important thing about salt is that in its purest form it never loses its taste. Salt will always be salt. It is an extremely stable compound. You can put it in a dish, walk away, come back ten years later, and it will still be sodium chloride - salt. The only way salt can lose its saltiness is to be mixed with something else.
The point Jesus is making that it is dangerously easy for Christians to become diluted and lose their salty, preserving influence in the world.
If we are not affecting our world, the world is affecting us. If we are not salting the world, the world is rotting us.
What Should I Know/Do?
In order to prevent the world from affecting us, we must stay in close contact with the ultimate influence - Christ himself. A man bought one of those glow in the dark figures for his daughter. It stayed in the box until he got home that night. When he gave it to his daughter and told her what it was she was so excited. She tore open the box to reveal her gift. But it did not glow. She was sad. "What's wrong, Daddy?" she asked. The answer was revealed on the label attached to the figurine: If you want me to shine in the night, keep me in the light.
So it is with us. We must expose ourselves to Jesus, spend time in his word, soak up his rays through prayer. A weekly contact produces a weak influence. A daily contact produces a dynamic influence.
Lifting Prayers
Dear Lord, I thank you father. Thou art in Heaven, Blessed be thy Holy Name, Thy Kingdom is from everlasting and Thy will be done here on earth as it is in Heaven. Grant us this day grace for lasting impact. We are from Zion, we are from Him who is Light and whose Light is the Life of men... As we brood within us, your word, live in habitual fellowship with you, may we outshine the darkness within us to be able to radiantly shine to our world without nothing blocking our light... Help us as Light to give light, to direct, to be a positive model of reference in all and let the world crave for the Light we carry. All we ask EL-ROI is grace for Lasting impact. Amen!
God Said, I Will Be With You
No matter what you face in the future, you will never face it alone. Isaiah 43:2 says, “When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you” (NLT).
God's promises are real. They are not packed up empty promises but power packed ones. We go through stuffs daily, things we could speak of and things we are not permitted to speak of but living with it for the moment. We feel abandoned, no one could actually understand. Moment by moments, we think backwards, I wish I didn't... I wish I walked away without thinking twice then, why did I listen to His/Her advice? why did I put my heart on the line? why didn't I investigate before investing?... In these moments, we could easily feel abandoned, frustrated and as if God is quiet and not present but He is right there with us in every thoughts, He knows your need so take no Thought of what you've lost for He will restore. Joel 2:22-26
This is the key to courage: There is nothing to fear when you know God is near. On your own you might drown, but God has said in Hebrews 13:5, “I will never abandon you or leave you”. Some of you feel alone right now. You may feel it, but you’re not! You’re not alone. God sees what you’re going through. God cares about what you’re going through. God’s going through that situation with you, and he will help you out if you trust him. Remember, one plus God equals a majority.
Satan will plant all kinds of seeds of doubt and fear in your mind like, “What if you lose your job?” “What if you get sick?” “What if you’re incapacitated?” “What if the economy tanks?” You may face anxiety from other sources as well. What you need to do is remember God promised to never abandon you and to always be with you. You don’t have to know what the future holds because you know who holds the future.
What Should I Know/Do?
So often I have felt I have nowhere to belong. Over and over God tells me, “You belong to Me.”
The very God who created me says, “I have summoned you by name; you are mine.” I have felt as if the rivers of life will sweep me away. God tells me that not only will I pass through them, He will be with me. I have felt I do walk through the fires of life. Our family’s problems escalate. How easy it would be to give in! Yet, God says, “When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned.”
We are quite plainly told there will be times it will feel as if we will be swept away by the torrents of problems in our lives. We are also told that there will be times of fiery trials and we are also told just as plainly that He will be with us when we face these trials.
Today, God gave me words to hold on to. Yes, tragic events happen. It’s called life. But the one who created us and summons us by name openly declares that we are His. He tells us, “Fear not.”
He promises to walk with us through each and every thing that can assault our lives. I encourage you to hold on to Him for He is already holding on to you.
Lifting Prayers
Father God, Thank you for Your amazing promises. You promised redemption. You promise Your presence in every life event we encounter. You call to us and you call us by name. Help us to remember Your words so that we will, indeed, hold on. Amen and amen.
God's promises are real. They are not packed up empty promises but power packed ones. We go through stuffs daily, things we could speak of and things we are not permitted to speak of but living with it for the moment. We feel abandoned, no one could actually understand. Moment by moments, we think backwards, I wish I didn't... I wish I walked away without thinking twice then, why did I listen to His/Her advice? why did I put my heart on the line? why didn't I investigate before investing?... In these moments, we could easily feel abandoned, frustrated and as if God is quiet and not present but He is right there with us in every thoughts, He knows your need so take no Thought of what you've lost for He will restore. Joel 2:22-26
This is the key to courage: There is nothing to fear when you know God is near. On your own you might drown, but God has said in Hebrews 13:5, “I will never abandon you or leave you”. Some of you feel alone right now. You may feel it, but you’re not! You’re not alone. God sees what you’re going through. God cares about what you’re going through. God’s going through that situation with you, and he will help you out if you trust him. Remember, one plus God equals a majority.
Satan will plant all kinds of seeds of doubt and fear in your mind like, “What if you lose your job?” “What if you get sick?” “What if you’re incapacitated?” “What if the economy tanks?” You may face anxiety from other sources as well. What you need to do is remember God promised to never abandon you and to always be with you. You don’t have to know what the future holds because you know who holds the future.
What Should I Know/Do?
So often I have felt I have nowhere to belong. Over and over God tells me, “You belong to Me.”
The very God who created me says, “I have summoned you by name; you are mine.” I have felt as if the rivers of life will sweep me away. God tells me that not only will I pass through them, He will be with me. I have felt I do walk through the fires of life. Our family’s problems escalate. How easy it would be to give in! Yet, God says, “When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned.”
We are quite plainly told there will be times it will feel as if we will be swept away by the torrents of problems in our lives. We are also told that there will be times of fiery trials and we are also told just as plainly that He will be with us when we face these trials.
Today, God gave me words to hold on to. Yes, tragic events happen. It’s called life. But the one who created us and summons us by name openly declares that we are His. He tells us, “Fear not.”
He promises to walk with us through each and every thing that can assault our lives. I encourage you to hold on to Him for He is already holding on to you.
Lifting Prayers
Father God, Thank you for Your amazing promises. You promised redemption. You promise Your presence in every life event we encounter. You call to us and you call us by name. Help us to remember Your words so that we will, indeed, hold on. Amen and amen.
Friday, 3 February 2017
I Know The Thoughts I Have Towards You!
When we are in ways of personal distress and sorrow, it can be a great comfort to hear a brother or sister say, "I will be thinking about you." Then a mother says to her daughter who is experiencing a particular and secret trial, "You will be in my prayers and thoughts." Or a parent says to a child who will face a lonely way or a way of testing, "I will remember you. I will carry you in my heart and in my thoughts." In those words, "I will be thinking about you," we wish to convey two things. First, our love. To be mindful of another person in his trial and sorrow is the essence of love. Secondly, we express our helplessness. We are saying that the other person is beyond our ability to help. Therefore, although those words are very reassuring, their thoughts cannot actually change anything.
Soaring far above that is the Word of God that we find in Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end." God says that, moment by moment, He thinks of us; that there is a constant stream of divine thought towards His children in Christ; and that never, for one moment, are we out of those thoughts.
The present state of the earth right now was as the time of Noah when the righteous were mocked, woredom was the order of the day, jungle justice prevalent everywhere and abuse was a constant phenomena. God looked down and was hurt because of the Love raging in His heart. "This wasn't my purpose, this wasn't what I envisioned, envisaged" and "it repented the Lord that He had made man on the earth and it grieved Him at His Heart" Gen 6:6.
God knows your present state and just as the days of Noah, He is always interested bringing things back to place for He is the Creator. Psalm 100:3.
The United States of America is a key example of a Nation that was thrown into great confusion. The past Government implemented certain Laws to enact sodomy even celebrated it with a rainbow colouring the White House. The present ruler (Donald Trump) came in against all standard of political rules and laws, modulus Operandi and vivendi. People concluded even myself that He is a looser, the media even freely published, broadcasts against him. All sort of videos about His past was released even to the extent that false ratings were given about Him but God had a plan and He won to the amazement of all. Within these few days we could all see what he had done using executive orders... We could see America coming to the for front as a light as she has always been why? God has a plan.
We read in Psalm 40:17, "But I am poor and needy; yet the Lord thinketh upon me." Still more: God tells us in those words of Jeremiah what His thoughts are. They are thoughts of peace, not evil, a peace flowing from the cross of Calvary. And still more: God tells us that His thoughts are not impotent. They are not only well-meaning and sympathetic, but they are powerful. By His thoughts He will give to us an expected end, the end that He had decreed and promised.
What Should I Know/Do?
Do you live in that comfort? Does it strengthen and cheer you? Does it humble you? Does it lift you up with a holy joy and confidence? Your God thinks on you!
Now this Word of God comes to us today. We are not to live in the false hopes of the world, or the false hopes that we ourselves would devise. Nor are we to despair in ways of trial and loneliness. But we are to find our comfort where alone it can be found. That alone can be God, and in the truth that God thinks about us.
What a profound truth it is. The almighty God thinks upon us from eternity to eternity. Every moment of our being and existence His thoughts of mercy and lovingkindness in Christ are upon us
Lifting Prayers
Dear Lord, With everything, body, soul and Spirit I give You praise, I give You glory, I magnify your righteous name. To you alone be all the glory! Thank you for your thoughts towards me. Lord how comforting to know I am in Your heart, Your Thoughts and Your Plan! Thank You dear Lord. Today give me confidence, lead me to your Truth, teach me your ways, enlarge my focus solely on you dear Lord. Help me to re-discover my purpose and bring me to walk with You constantly in the paths everlasting. Heal the world exposing them to your Truth. Amen!
Soaring far above that is the Word of God that we find in Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end." God says that, moment by moment, He thinks of us; that there is a constant stream of divine thought towards His children in Christ; and that never, for one moment, are we out of those thoughts.
The present state of the earth right now was as the time of Noah when the righteous were mocked, woredom was the order of the day, jungle justice prevalent everywhere and abuse was a constant phenomena. God looked down and was hurt because of the Love raging in His heart. "This wasn't my purpose, this wasn't what I envisioned, envisaged" and "it repented the Lord that He had made man on the earth and it grieved Him at His Heart" Gen 6:6.
God knows your present state and just as the days of Noah, He is always interested bringing things back to place for He is the Creator. Psalm 100:3.
The United States of America is a key example of a Nation that was thrown into great confusion. The past Government implemented certain Laws to enact sodomy even celebrated it with a rainbow colouring the White House. The present ruler (Donald Trump) came in against all standard of political rules and laws, modulus Operandi and vivendi. People concluded even myself that He is a looser, the media even freely published, broadcasts against him. All sort of videos about His past was released even to the extent that false ratings were given about Him but God had a plan and He won to the amazement of all. Within these few days we could all see what he had done using executive orders... We could see America coming to the for front as a light as she has always been why? God has a plan.
We read in Psalm 40:17, "But I am poor and needy; yet the Lord thinketh upon me." Still more: God tells us in those words of Jeremiah what His thoughts are. They are thoughts of peace, not evil, a peace flowing from the cross of Calvary. And still more: God tells us that His thoughts are not impotent. They are not only well-meaning and sympathetic, but they are powerful. By His thoughts He will give to us an expected end, the end that He had decreed and promised.
What Should I Know/Do?
Do you live in that comfort? Does it strengthen and cheer you? Does it humble you? Does it lift you up with a holy joy and confidence? Your God thinks on you!
Now this Word of God comes to us today. We are not to live in the false hopes of the world, or the false hopes that we ourselves would devise. Nor are we to despair in ways of trial and loneliness. But we are to find our comfort where alone it can be found. That alone can be God, and in the truth that God thinks about us.
What a profound truth it is. The almighty God thinks upon us from eternity to eternity. Every moment of our being and existence His thoughts of mercy and lovingkindness in Christ are upon us
Lifting Prayers
Dear Lord, With everything, body, soul and Spirit I give You praise, I give You glory, I magnify your righteous name. To you alone be all the glory! Thank you for your thoughts towards me. Lord how comforting to know I am in Your heart, Your Thoughts and Your Plan! Thank You dear Lord. Today give me confidence, lead me to your Truth, teach me your ways, enlarge my focus solely on you dear Lord. Help me to re-discover my purpose and bring me to walk with You constantly in the paths everlasting. Heal the world exposing them to your Truth. Amen!
Wednesday, 1 February 2017
Total Submission~{What Will Jesus Do?}
What if a ruler, the one to whom we are to submit, is an oppressive person? What if he is just incompetent or stupid, and we know better how to do the job that he is supposed to be doing? What if the person is sexually immoral or financially greedy? Does God still want us to submit? What protection do we have in these kinds of circumstances?
When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice;
But when a wicked man rules, the people groan. proverb 29:2
Abomination that is it, those in authority often do evil. They might have serious character flaws that catch their victims in the effects of their flaws. What is so maddening is that they justify their ways seeing them as good and they will turn around and blame the innocent for the evils that occur.
All the ways of a man are pure in his own eyes,
But the LORD weighs the spirits. proverb 16:2
For example, the proverb says that "all the ways of a man are pure in his own eyes." The incompetent man does not think to himself, "I am really dumb, stupid, idiotic, and should not even have this job." The sexually immoral person does not see himself as perverse. Most prostitutes will say, "Yes, I am doing wrong according to the law, but I am providing a needed and wanted service. If it were not, I would have no customers." They justify themselves; they are pure in their own eyes.
Consider the enemies of Jesus. They felt justified in taking His life on the grounds that He was stirring up the people. No one on earth has ever been more innocent, yet they justified what they were doing because the people were being stirred up by Him. They accused Him of being a revolutionary, a threat to community stability.
If we are in a position like this under an oppressive ruler who justifies the way he is doing things, and we are suffering the effects of his actions we feel like powerless pawns being taken advantage of. We feel that he is denying us the liberty to do what we want. Should we submit or rebel?
To know what to do, we must look at what Jesus did in a similar circumstance. This is not an occasion in which the authority figure demands submission, and in submitting, we must break the law of God. The situation does not involve being forced to sin, but simply submitting to one who is unreasonable and oppressive.
John 19:10 is part of Jesus' trial for His very life before Pilate, and occurs after He was scourged: "Then Pilate said to Him, 'Are You not speaking to me? Do You not know that I have power to crucify You, and power to release You?'" He could choose to do either. Pilate was a corrupt official. His record, according to secular history, was not at all good. The Jews despised him for his harsh ways.
"Jesus answered, 'You could have no power at all against Me unless it had been given you from above. Therefore the one who delivered Me to you has the greater sin'" (John 19:11). His response is very meaningful. It clearly shows His attitude, His approach, to every circumstance of His life.
To be in the same frame of mind, we must ask ourselves, "Do we see God?" Is He really a part of our lives? Is He really running this creation? Is He really sitting at the controls of things? Is He really aware of us as individuals? Does He have every hair on our heads numbered? Are we really the apple of His eye? Are our lives really in His hands? Have we really given them to Him, or are we holding part of ourselves in reserve?
"You could have no power at all against Me unless it had been given you from above." Jesus saw life very clearly and simply: that God was in complete control of everything going on in the universe. Not that everything was being directed by Him in the sense that He was causing it to occur, but that Jesus believed with every fiber of His being that God was with Him all the time, everywhere, and at every moment. He knew that His life was in His Father's hands and that Pilate could do nothing against Him unless God allowed it.
Would God have us submit, or be faced with submitting, to somebody who was cruel, hard-hearted, incompetent, sexually unbalanced, perverted, stupid, or financially greedy? Would He have us live and work under such a person? He put His own Son in that position! Everything at Jesus' trial and crucifixion looked as though it was totally stacked against Him. Carnally, it seems as if He had every right to rebel. He could have replied, "Do you not know to whom you are doing this?" Instead, He says, in paraphrase, "You would not have the power to do anything except that My Father passed on this. And He is now looking at Me to see how I am going to respond. Will I submit to the authority that He has permitted to be over Me right now?"
What Should I Know/Do? Do we see God in our lives like this? We have to begin to look at ourselves differently than the way people in the world look at themselves. We must decide whether we are in God's hand or not. Do we have the faith to trust that we are, and that these constituted authorities are also in His hand? Do we believe that He is aware of what is going on and that He deeply cares about what we will do in each situation? As He did with Abraham, He must know what kind of witness we are going to make.
Lifting Prayers
Dear Lord, with everything, my body, soul and Spirit, I surrender to Your rulership, Power and Spirit. Teach me to always Look at the Cross where answers lie. Help me to lead a life of truth. Grant unto me Help from above for only You can. Ignite my focus teaching my heart submission in all you bring along my path. For your glory, I surrender. May I see through your eyes in every situation and submit knowing that you are involved in all. Heal the world through your Spirit and Let my Life give glory to your name! Amen.
When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice;
But when a wicked man rules, the people groan. proverb 29:2
Abomination that is it, those in authority often do evil. They might have serious character flaws that catch their victims in the effects of their flaws. What is so maddening is that they justify their ways seeing them as good and they will turn around and blame the innocent for the evils that occur.
All the ways of a man are pure in his own eyes,
But the LORD weighs the spirits. proverb 16:2
For example, the proverb says that "all the ways of a man are pure in his own eyes." The incompetent man does not think to himself, "I am really dumb, stupid, idiotic, and should not even have this job." The sexually immoral person does not see himself as perverse. Most prostitutes will say, "Yes, I am doing wrong according to the law, but I am providing a needed and wanted service. If it were not, I would have no customers." They justify themselves; they are pure in their own eyes.
Consider the enemies of Jesus. They felt justified in taking His life on the grounds that He was stirring up the people. No one on earth has ever been more innocent, yet they justified what they were doing because the people were being stirred up by Him. They accused Him of being a revolutionary, a threat to community stability.
If we are in a position like this under an oppressive ruler who justifies the way he is doing things, and we are suffering the effects of his actions we feel like powerless pawns being taken advantage of. We feel that he is denying us the liberty to do what we want. Should we submit or rebel?
To know what to do, we must look at what Jesus did in a similar circumstance. This is not an occasion in which the authority figure demands submission, and in submitting, we must break the law of God. The situation does not involve being forced to sin, but simply submitting to one who is unreasonable and oppressive.
John 19:10 is part of Jesus' trial for His very life before Pilate, and occurs after He was scourged: "Then Pilate said to Him, 'Are You not speaking to me? Do You not know that I have power to crucify You, and power to release You?'" He could choose to do either. Pilate was a corrupt official. His record, according to secular history, was not at all good. The Jews despised him for his harsh ways.
"Jesus answered, 'You could have no power at all against Me unless it had been given you from above. Therefore the one who delivered Me to you has the greater sin'" (John 19:11). His response is very meaningful. It clearly shows His attitude, His approach, to every circumstance of His life.
To be in the same frame of mind, we must ask ourselves, "Do we see God?" Is He really a part of our lives? Is He really running this creation? Is He really sitting at the controls of things? Is He really aware of us as individuals? Does He have every hair on our heads numbered? Are we really the apple of His eye? Are our lives really in His hands? Have we really given them to Him, or are we holding part of ourselves in reserve?
"You could have no power at all against Me unless it had been given you from above." Jesus saw life very clearly and simply: that God was in complete control of everything going on in the universe. Not that everything was being directed by Him in the sense that He was causing it to occur, but that Jesus believed with every fiber of His being that God was with Him all the time, everywhere, and at every moment. He knew that His life was in His Father's hands and that Pilate could do nothing against Him unless God allowed it.
Would God have us submit, or be faced with submitting, to somebody who was cruel, hard-hearted, incompetent, sexually unbalanced, perverted, stupid, or financially greedy? Would He have us live and work under such a person? He put His own Son in that position! Everything at Jesus' trial and crucifixion looked as though it was totally stacked against Him. Carnally, it seems as if He had every right to rebel. He could have replied, "Do you not know to whom you are doing this?" Instead, He says, in paraphrase, "You would not have the power to do anything except that My Father passed on this. And He is now looking at Me to see how I am going to respond. Will I submit to the authority that He has permitted to be over Me right now?"
What Should I Know/Do? Do we see God in our lives like this? We have to begin to look at ourselves differently than the way people in the world look at themselves. We must decide whether we are in God's hand or not. Do we have the faith to trust that we are, and that these constituted authorities are also in His hand? Do we believe that He is aware of what is going on and that He deeply cares about what we will do in each situation? As He did with Abraham, He must know what kind of witness we are going to make.
Lifting Prayers
Dear Lord, with everything, my body, soul and Spirit, I surrender to Your rulership, Power and Spirit. Teach me to always Look at the Cross where answers lie. Help me to lead a life of truth. Grant unto me Help from above for only You can. Ignite my focus teaching my heart submission in all you bring along my path. For your glory, I surrender. May I see through your eyes in every situation and submit knowing that you are involved in all. Heal the world through your Spirit and Let my Life give glory to your name! Amen.
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